Best Podcast for on the run

Hey y'all!

I get asked quite often what I listen to/what to listen to while running. I often alternate between podcasts/audio books/& music playlists(you can follow me on Spotify, I make a lit mix ha!!!). I can talk about all three of these options all day, but since music tastes & book preferences differ, we're going to focus on something most runners enjoy:Running podcasts!! 

Here's a few of my favorites, & if you have one I should listen to, send it my way! I LOVE new podcasts!

I need not say much about this podcast, the name is pretty self explanatory. But this podcast is not just limited to mother runners! The primary host & co-host Sarah & Dimity have all sorts of guests including Meb Keflezighi, Kara Goucher, & Sara & Ryan Hall just to name a few! This podcast is where I get most of my practical & inspiring running tips. Plus Sarah & Dimity's banter cracks me up. 

Okay, this mother runner INSPIRES me so much! A mother of four, she dives into deep topics with almost every guest on the show, making it easy to relate to and attention getting. She doesn't shy away from topics such as infertility, anxiety, grief, & how running plays into this and more in our crazy lives. I listen to this podcast during tough long runs or fast paced workouts, the guests on her show always remind me that I'm stronger than I think & can get through whatever tough patch I'm in. Lindsey keeps it real, & I can appreciate that.

This podcast was the very first I ever listened to, & it's still in my tops faves. Monica is hilarious, first of all. Her sarcastic, dry humor has had me practically snorting while on runs or folding laundry. Her podcast is mostly light & fun, which I like for everyday. She has great recipes(seriously awesome), life hacks, & informative guests on the show every once in a while. She also encourages intuitive eating, which I'm a HUGE fan of. She's very easy to relate to, & while having finished dozens & dozens of races, she knows her stuff. 

Honorable Mentions:

-Ali On The Run(Ali keeps it real)
-Marathon Training Academy(Sound, applicable advice from a married running couple)
-Train Like A Mother Club(By Another Mother Runner's Dimity Mcdowell)
-Run, Selfie, Repeat(When you need a kick in the rear, awesome, uplifting, pep-talk of a show)

That's it y'all! If you're reading this & you run one of these podcasts, you're welcome for the free advertisement, lol! I hope this was helpful for the rest of you & you enjoy these podcasts as much as I do!

Make sure you're following my running insta(@themamamarathoner) for constant updates on yum foods, my training, racing, & more!

xo-Aud <3
